Saturday 28 May 2016

24 Hours

We all know that there are 24 hours in a day. This day belongs to you. You own this day and this day is, for the most part, in your control. Most of us have to go to work/school or look after the children/dog/house, but an 8-hour shift takes just 33% of your day. Of course sleeping, eating and travelling are essential and they will consume your time! Now with the 30% (approx.) remaining you have the following options:
  • Stay the same: Do nothing to improve yourself, your life, your job, your posture. Your teeth won’t become more or less stained, your intelligence will not expand nor diminish, you will not become more or less stressed. You will be the same person you were when you woke up.
  • Get worse: Do things in your day to make your life worse; be late for work after missing your alarm, spend money that you don’t have and skip the rent, be rude to the people you love or become more sedentary and unfit. Go to bed a worse version of yourself.
  • Get better: Use some of your left over day to progress yourself. Floss, move more, work harder, get stronger, learn a language, stress less, sort out any debts or expand your mind. Go to bed a better version of yourself.
1 hour is only 4% of your day and 40 minutes is obviously even less, so if you cannot afford to give up less than 4% of your day to better yourself and give yourself the respect you deserve, you need to plan better, prepare better and manage your time better.
During my weight loss experience I wanted to make sure I went to bed knowing that I had done everything I could that day to ensure I woke up fitter, healthier and happier than when I went to bed the night before.
Whatever your goal, even if it is not fitness based, you have to remember that ‘Rome was not built in a day but days were spent building Rome.’
Emma McMahon
Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer

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